Green Patriot: Posters for Environmental Activism 2015 Wall Calendar

Category: Books,Crafts, Hobbies & Home,Antiques & Collectibles

Green Patriot: Posters for Environmental Activism 2015 Wall Calendar Details

About the Author Green Patriot Posters: Images for a New Activism is a thought-provoking collection of exceptional contemporary posters promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change. The work is a rallying cry – a potent tool for communication and social transformation. The inspiration for the project first came from the Works Progress Administration and posters from the World War II era, when transforming consumption habits and conserving products and resources became patriotic. This lifestyle soon gave way to abundance, which led to excess and the abuse of our planet and resources. The dynamic graphic statements featured in the book redefine green ideology. They are about clean power, breaking our addiction to carbon-based fuels, and making the United States a global environmental leader. The Green Patriot Posters campaign illustrates that graphic design does not passively respond to the zeitgeist – it helps shape it. Read more



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